Princess Hero Party and Hawaii Vacation

Each of these wonderful things deserve an entry of their own but our energy at the end of the day is a little low (which is great because we have been able to enjoy the most fantastic and happy moments with sweet Willa) so to be able to share with you all as much as possible-an abridged version is needed.
On May 3rd, Willa celebrated her triumph of the past year. While we are so deeply saddened by the outcome-she remains innocent and so happy. And it is this triumph of spirit that so desperately deserved a celebration-for our little hero. But-being Willa-a hero party alone was not enough-as we were designing the evites-it became clear-a princess hero party was what we really needed. Our deepest gratitude to Linda DelBianco (our fairy godmother) at the Denver Athletic Club who planned, orchestrated and put on the most fabulous Princess Party imaginable. Jumpy castle, face painting, and more pink than you can believe-it was beyond any expectations-the mood was happy and joyous-Willa had the time of her life and the support and love of friends was overwhelming. Our dear friend Meg (in her debutante dress) made a cake castle that Cinderella herself would have envied (along with a carriage made of foam board) and many of the grown ups went all out for the theme-the Hebens were Mouseketeers, the Stevensons were Snow White and two dwarves, Steph Grayson wore her prom dress, Angela S as a blue bee hived fairy god mother-and Henry and I-at Willa's request were Sleepeing Beauty and Prince Phillip (respectively). A fabulous event for such a special Princess.
Right after Willa jet setted to Oahu to meet up with Grammy Sony, Grampy Conrad, the McFischers, and Aunt Mouse. A special package from St. Louis girls was waiting with an Ariel set of fins and goggle, intertubes, sand toys. After that the biggest challenge of each day was to get Willa out of the pool or ocean. We were a little concerned that she might actually be growing gills. Some memorable moments included a luau, swimming with the cousins, and endless sand castles. Time stood still and the days are forever imprinted on our memories.
Now settling back into routine around Denver-music class, family visits, daily outings. Willa has maintained a great appetite and good energy. We treasure our time each day with her being present in these moments and send our deepest thanks to all who have kept us in their prayers, hearts, and minds.